Carbon Capture

Picture This Ballooning

Time has run out to avoid dangerous climate change by reducing emissions alone. Storing carbon away from the atmosphere is essential: which are the opening sentences from Reduce, Remove and Store, a report on carbon sequestration by the Australian federal government’s Climate Change Authority in April, 2023.

The only pathway known to science that has the immediate capacity to remove greenhouse gases (CO₂) from the atmosphere at scale is photosynthesis: the mechanism by which plants use light, CO₂ and water to create energy: quoting from Professor Ian Chubb’s independent review of Australia’s carbon credit units.

CEO UPDATE: 12th May 2023

We’ve reached a long stretch of smooth sailing after the challenge of operating through a series of droughts, fires, covid, and floods between 2019 and 2022. Thankfully, in late ’22 we received good news with tax deductibility now active for our donors.

Tree planting progress from August ’22 to June ’23 was rapid. We planted 300 000 more trees, bringing the total to 598 000 over 4 years. Our team has increased the diversity of planted trees to their highest with 187 species at our giant project Banyula – in Clunes, NNSW.

We have continued to expand steadily to 50 staff which allows us to work simultaneously in bush regeneration, maintenance, seed collection, nursery, and planting. In addition, we still keep a small admin team that accounts for 7-10% of all rostered hours. We remain focused on blue-collar outcomes and high-quality reporting to our supporters

Maximo Bottaro 
CEO of ReForest Now

Buy a copy of Everest, Guns & Money from Byron Bay Ballooning at breakfast, and rest assured that your 30kg of carbon generated by this morning’s flight will be captured by ReForest Now.
Photograph Emi Cataldi.

Fly over Canberra with Balloon Aloft, buy a copy of Everest, Guns & Money and plant another tree.
Picture This Ballooning.

Everest, Guns & Money, a page-turning political thriller, is available from your pilot and crew at breakfast, from the local bookshop, as an ebook, an audiobook, or mail order from this website.